This website is the property of FEEXPAY SA, Société Anonyme, with a share capital of FCFA 31,000,000, registered in the Trade and Personal Property Credit Register of Abidjan under number CI-ABJ-03-2023-B13-12137, having its registered office at Abidjan, Cocody La Riviera Feh Kesse - Cité SICOGI, represented by its Managing Director, Mr Jean-Hugues HOUINSOU.
It is represented in the following countries by the following affiliates:
You: The person who accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
KYC: : Process for identifying customers and all users of the platform.
Website: The set of web pages and resources interlinked via hyperlinks...
Transaction The operation carried out via the FeexPay platform.
Our website and services are exclusively intended for people aged at least 18 years...
This website and all its content (texts, images, photographs, trademarks...) are the exclusive property of FEEXPAY SA.
The services of this website are provided to you with a non-transferable, non-exclusive, and revocable license.
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